A New Take on Nutrition Resolutions

Happy New Year, Darlings! With 2024 upon us, you might have considered adopting some new healthy habits. And I want to offer you some expert guidance on goals that I know will actually help you make real health change. Ones that are rooted in sustainability, self-empowerment and whole-body balance.

Here are my top 2024 Nutrition Resolutions. 

  1. Eat more protein… from plants.

    From a longevity perspective, high animal protein consumption actually speeds up the aging process. But plant proteins don’t have the same effect. This year, let’s eat more plant proteins from seeds, legumes, lentils, peas, tofu and even a bit of fish now and then. 

  2. Master the art of circadian eating.

    Our body functions better when we eat with the sun. If you’re practicing intermittent fasting, or want to gain more energy, focus on eating only when the sun is up and stopping when the sun sets. 

  3. Prioritize eating more colors

    (from whole fruits and veggies). Colors = antioxidants and phytonutrients. Early human ancestors ate upwards of 100 different types of plants each day. We are far from this now. Let’s start by eating a diverse array of colors. You’re sure to feel the difference quickly!

  4. Less restriction, more adding the good stuff.

    So many people think cutting foods out is the way to better health. I actually think it’s better to make sure all the good stuff is IN, even if it’s with some of the bad stuff. Try focusing on adding to what you’re already doing, rather than restricting yourself. 

  5. Eating food in the right order.

    Lots of us are eating the right foods, but not necessarily in the right order. For the best health, eat your proteins, fats and fiber foods first, and save your carbs for the end of your meal. This will help with glucose control, digestion and mental clarity. 

  6. Supporting your methylation pathways.

    Methylation is biochemical pathway that contributes to various biochemical functions: detoxification, supporting DNA (turning genes on and off). These pathways help to optimize energy, reduce inflammation, support the synthesis of neurotransmitters, the proper utilization of protein, help with liver detoxification and overall immune function. Dysfunctional methylation can lead to depression, mood issues, cognitive decline, birth defects, and even the onset of chronic disease. INo, we can’t change the genes we were born with; but believe it or not, we can actually change how these genes are expressed. Take time this year to understand your own genetic code and support your body with things like B vitamins, minerals and other methyl-supporting herbs. Supporting these pathways will help you be a master biohacker.

  7. Nourishing self-compassion.

    Making health changes will come to a screeching halt if you don’t prioritize self-compassion. Trust me, you WILL fall off the wagon at some point. You’re going to have challenges along the way that temporarily deter you from your goals. Nourishing your self-compassion and ability to forgive yourself quickly can make all the difference in your ability to keep coming back to your goals despite these missteps. Self compassion is a critical piece in consistency. Let’s seal these loving practices!

  8. Nurturing healthy food boundaries

    (with others). People will always come with their opinions about what you should do with your food and health. Oftentimes, it’s not great advice, and can even be misguided. This year, I’d love for you to practice healthy food boundaries with friends, family and other people in your community. Spend this year lovingly showing people how you need to be supported by them. Communicate what you need, and practice being your own best health advocate. 

  9. Practicing mirror work for self-empowerment.

    Limiting beliefs can be sticky demons that prevent us from reaching the goals we desire. We all know this, but we forget how important it is as a factor in our overall health strategy. Spend time everyone shifting your mindset to that of self-worth and self-empowerment (I love mirror work). You ARE worth the effort. You CAN achieve your goals. And you are capable of getting there. Surround yourself with the right people who remind you of this, and be sure to practice supporting yourself this way everyday.

  10. Honing in on liver health for optimal digestion.

    Our liver is our master detox organ. It’s the most metabolically active organ in our body and plays HUGE, important roles in our ability to get well. Including more milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke, ginger and other herbs to support our liver will help you detox and cleanse more easily, and will be a big step in balancing your entire body. 

What do you think of these resolutions? Are you ready to tackle them with me? 

Drop me a line below and send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!

In health ’n Mellness,
