
About Me

My first memories of IBS began in college in 2006. It felt like everything I ate caused adverse symptoms, which felt incredibly discouraging. I cycled between days of constant diarrhea and then consecutive days of constipation. I spent the better part of the next six years with not a single solid bowel movement, constant bloating, irregular periods, wicked mood swings, and about 25 pounds of inflammatory weight I couldn't shake. 

Upon reflection, this wasn’t a new issue for me. As a pre-teen, I was known to be incredibly moody. I could get angry at the drop of a hat, and on top of that, I had terrible acne (something that certainly shaped a lot of my self-confidence at the time). My childhood diet was filled with refined sugar (ice cream, cookies, cinnamon rolls, breakfast cereals, chocolate milk, name it). My hormones were off the rails and, as a result, my skin health too. 

In an attempt to fix my issues, I made appointments with every Western doctor in town (allergists, gastroenterologists, GPs, etc.) complaining about my symptoms and issues. Each and every appointment I was told the same thing: "You have IBS. There isn’t much we can do. This is just your new normal." I found myself slowly entering a low-grade depressive state, which (surprise!) made me want to eat more. It was a vicious cycle, and I felt hopeless.

But, deep down I knew that this was far from "normal," and so I took matters into my own hands. With divine guidance, I found a Naturopathic Doctor who ran sophisticated, functional labs and began putting my unique pieces together. I started overhauling my diet, this time through an intensive elimination diet and slowly but surely, I became whole again. My bowels started to normalize, my moods became more stable, my periods regulated over time, and those 25 pounds of inflammation melted off of me like ice cream in the desert sun. 

Before meeting with a Naturopathic Doctor, my diet seemed healthy. I was eating veggies, I was drinking juices and smoothies, I was cooking at home several times a week, and I was working out. From an outsider's perspective, I was doing all of the right things. But it turns out, I wasn’t doing the right things for me. This revelation changed the trajectory of my health, my career, and my life.

I decided to go back to school for my Master's in Nutrition and to become a Registered Dietitian and bring my experience and passion for my newfound discoveries to people in need. 

I've personally lived through some devastating nutrition-related chronic issues and have successfully made it to the other side. I have not only experienced this first-hand, but I've studied it and made it my career to do the same for others. It is absolutely possible to feel great all the time, and there is hope for you and whatever symptoms (mild or severe) that you may be experiencing. Nutrition is the first step in managing so many mind and body-related issues, and it's the key that will help you unlock the door to a more health-filled life. 

Every person and every body is different. There is no one food or one “diet” that will work for everyone. What works for me or for your friend, may not work for you. My work is dedicated to helping my patients uncover their personal balance in nutrition so that they can better understand how to eat for their unique body, and how to eat for their whole lives, not just when they want to "diet." In doing this, you will reclaim your power. There is a deep healing - emotionally, mentally and physically - that comes along with finding your specific nutritional equilibrium, and using food to heal yourself at a cellular level. I believe that in doing so, you will learn to love your body exactly as it is today. And with that power, you will find the confidence and wisdom to call the shots in your life. With that power, you will begin to wake up to your true, authentic path in life.

Nutrition-related issues can be incredibly personal, and the journey and path to health through nutrition can provoke added vulnerability and emotion. You deserve a healthcare partner who understands and respects you, and who is committed to seeing you through to the other side, unconditionally.

I pride myself on being that partner for my patients. And I hope I can be that partner for you too. My purpose in this life is to help my community to live their most abundant, healthy lives. 

In health 'n Mellness,


Official Bio


Melanie Murphy Richter, MS, RDN, Founder of Wholistic Ritual

Melanie Murphy Richter, MS, RDN is a dynamic and accomplished Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, recognized as 2023's “Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year" by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Recently appointed as Prolon’s Director of Communications and Medical Science Educator, Richter's dynamic presence in these dual roles not only contributes to the growth of Prolon but also fosters a culture of education and awareness, ultimately empowering individuals to take charge of their health through evidence-based nutritional practices.

Her contributions to Prolon not only drive the company's success but also contribute to the broader mission of promoting a healthier, more informed society and communicating the accessibility of longevity and overall health solutions to the masses. Through her efforts, she not only elevates Prolon’s mission but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and awareness surrounding the crucial intersection of nutrition and well-being.

As a graduate instructor of Nutrition Physiology through the Lifespan at the University of California Irvine (UCI)'s Nursing Department, she mentors and educates future healthcare professionals on the power of nutrition on one’s health and healthspan. Melanie's passion for holistic healing led her to establish Wholistic Ritual, a science-backed holistic healing nutrition and integrative medicine practice.

Additionally, she served as the Lead Dietitian for Head Start of South Los Angeles, where she implemented innovative nutrition programs to improve the health of underserved youth and their families. Melanie Murphy Richter, MS, RDN is a visionary in the field, integrating evidence-based principles with ancient healing traditions to empower individuals on their wellness journeys.