My Story: The Founder's Letter

Let’s Talk About Poop, Baby!

Laugh if you will, but I am absolutely serious. I want to talk about ALL of our bodies’ trials and adventures! 

Too soon, you say? Feeling a little weird? Ok, how about this: I’ll start.

You’ve seen the movie Bridesmaids, haven’t you? If not, I highly recommend it for good chuckles, but in my case, there’s one scene in particular that hit just a little too close to home: Maya Rudolph’s character is trying on wedding dresses for her big day when she and her bridesmaids are suddenly hit with a massive attack of food poisoning. As Maya races out of the bridal shop, still wearing one of the gorgeous gowns, and attempts to race across a busy street to the nearest, available restroom, her bowels don’t quite make it. She’s forced to literally stop traffic, and let it all out in her dress! In 2015, my friends, I too had a crossing-the-street “shit moment,” and it was the last straw after a decade-long battle with symptoms like IBS, dramatic weight fluctuation, mood swings, irregular periods and food sensitivities. 

From that moment on, I was hell-bent and determined to get to the bottom of my body’s health and start feeling better.

Now I had already been through several rounds of doctors– everyone from gastroenterologists and allergists to general practitioners, all of whom concluded that since my basic tests looked normal, I must be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and should simply learn to accept my “new normal.” Even back then though, I must have had a hunch that this couldn’t possibly be a “normal” way to feel for the rest of my life, because I eventually found my way into a Naturopathic Doctor’s office. Dr. Lisa Lavoie at Naturopathic Wellness Center in El Segundo spent over an hour and a half with me on our first visit. She ran incredibly extensive tests, and encouraged me to try an elimination diet that she herself had thoughtfully devised. I felt some improvements pretty quickly after that, and over time, my bowels began to normalize, my moods stabilized, my periods became more regular, and those 25 extra pounds of inflammation finally started to melt away. 

It’s important to mention here that despite all of my previous symptoms, I still considered myself a fairly “healthy” adult overall. I’d been a competitive athlete in school and still enjoyed being active, I ate my fruits and vegetables often, and cooked for myself regularly. I now know, however, that while I may have been making some generally acknowledged “health choices” at the time, they were not necessarily the most healthy choices for MY body. Hear me now, my dear ones, this one’s important:

Every body is different, and what’s right for some bodies may not be right for your body.

Greek yogurt with low-fat granola might be an excellent breakfast for your body, but my body (as it turns out) is dairy and cane sugar intolerant, so it’s not a healthy option for me. An intolerance or a sensitivity, by the way, is not the same thing as an allergy, and they often go undiscovered for years; while they may not kill you, they can and do wreak havoc with the body’s natural balance, and this can lead to things like acne, extra weight you can’t seem to shake, irregular bowel movements, painful bloating, sharp mood swings, anxiety, depression and more. Intolerances and sensitivities can even hinder your body’s ability to heal and protect itself properly, and if you aren’t armed with this knowledge about your very own personal system, you may be operating under the false and unfortunate impression that you’re just “prone to be sick all the time,” or have chronic fatigue and joint pain simply because those are the cards you were dealt in this life. Yikes! I get frustrated just thinking about misinformation like this!

I tell you my story not only because I want you to know that I’ve been there and that I stand with you in solidarity no matter where you are on your own journey, but also because I’ve made it my career and primary point of study and constant exploration to help others uncover their personal balance in nutrition and beyond. I don’t just believe it’s possible to live life feeling great, I know it (and often shout it to the heavens for my patients too)! You absolutely can unlock the door to a more health-filled existence, and there are so many useful keys just waiting for you to find them and do just that.

I want you to love your body and ALL of its beautiful, unique and brilliant processes (and yes, even the ones that stink up the bathroom). When you do, you’ll not only want to take care of it better for a more enriching and longer-lasting healthspan, but you’ll also have a lot more FUN being proud of this skin you’re in. 
If you’d like to set up a free initial consultation with me, drop me a line anytime. I can’t wait to hear your story.