It’s Spleen Season: How To Boost Immunity This Winter

Welcome to the season of the spleen, folks! Residing in the upper left-hand side of your abdomen, right next door to your stomach, and tucked in nicely behind your ribs, the spleen is a fantastically important organ, especially when it comes to immunity during the colder months. Think of your spleen like a helpful little ninja– tirelessly fighting off germs and infections, and protecting the white blood cells your body will need when it’s sick. Your spleen controls just how many white blood cells get filtered into the blood to help remove old or damaged red blood cells, and Chinese Medicine also attributes digestion, fluid metabolism, and even blood coagulation to the trusty spleen.That’s a tall order, right? This winter, why not give that hard-working spleen a little extra boost, and help ensure it’s in tip-top shape no matter what the winter throws its way?

Bring On The Heat:

While fresh salads and raw veggies are healthy for us, let’s leave them to the warmer summer months, because your spleen prefers things a little toastier. Consider cooking your veggies, and incorporate some soups, chilis, teas, and other hot foods. You might also add a little ginger and lemon to your food and teas; the combo not only gives your tastebuds an extra dash of tang, but lemon and ginger are also heat-generating flavors. What other foods does your hardworking spleen love? Try some beets, yams and sweet potatoes which are super high in phytonutrients. You might also cook down (and spice up) some apples–  those happen to be the only “cold,” raw food we encourage on a spleen diet, so if you prefer your apples cool and crunchy, rest assured your spleen will too.

Super Supplement Support:

Since your spleen is always on-the-job supporting your digestive and immune systems,

try including an aloe vera and/or turmeric supplement into your daily routine. Both have incredible immune-boosting properties! I can help you find some great options, and am always happy to offer guidance when it comes to the right supplements for you. Another great way to support the spleen during colder months is to make sure you’re getting enough protein, which is a critical macronutrient for maintaining the immune system. When the weather gets chilly, our bodies require a bit more protein to maintain optimal function, and you can ensure you’re getting the adequate amount if you aim for about 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight (ex. If you are 150 lbs, you’ll need a minimum of 55g of protein a day). Your spleen will thank you, and the rest of your body will too.

It’s All About T.ender L.oving C.are:

If you really want to turn up the romance, and let your spleen know how much you care, try a little extra TLC. I know I appreciate a nice hot bath (or even just a good foot-soak), and guess what? Your sweetie pie spleen does too! Pull out those soft, thick socks, while you’re at it, and throw an extra blanket on the couch, or at the foot of your bed. As we head into the colder seasons, your spleen has to work overtime to keep itself warm and functioning properly, and that, my friends, is a contributing factor to the rise in colds, flus and other common, wintertime infections. Furthermore, in the world of Pranic healing practices, the spleen chakra is in charge of activating energy for the kidneys, bladder, lower digestive tract and reproductive organs. Since it also helps the liver move blood throughout the body, the spleen is energetically seen as a vital organ for creativity, intimacy, self-acceptance, and fostering healthy sensuality. If that’s not sexy-sounding, I don’t know what is!

As another year comes to a close, we could all take a page from nature’s book, and let the winter season be a time for hibernation and restful healing. If you’re willing, give yourself permission to slow down, prioritize a few more Zzz’s each night, and dial up the cozy in your life too. Remember: when you practice gratitude for that gorgeous spleen of yours, the health benefits will only come back to you many times (and many years) over. 
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In health ‘n Mellness,
