Specialty Laboratory Testing

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Figuring out the source of your physical ailments can be incredibly challenging, especially for chronic issues like IBS, diarrhea, constipation, anxiety or inflammation. Most Western doctors are not equipped to help you get to the root of your issues, and often will prescribe medications or antibiotics that can make your issues worse.

I utilize specialized and comprehensive testing with labs such as Great Plains Laboratory and Vibrant Health to measure the state of your internal system. These labs have the capability to measure toxic overloads including molds and metals, as well as nutrient deficiencies, issues with metabolism, the composition of the gut and neurotransmitters, as well as food sensitives. In certain situations, we can also test for autoimmune disorders as well.

If you have struggled to find meaningful answers and solutions to your chronic health problems, it’s time you invest in the right laboratory testing to help get you on the right track.

Book a 15-minute consult with me to better understand if my specialty lab testing is right for you.